The reporting and deduction obligations will begin on October 1 and will include identification of employees through the MassTax Connect.
The Massachusetts Department of Family Medical Leave issued a requirement that written notice must be provided to all employees by September 30th. The reporting and deduction obligations will begin on October 1, 2019 and will include identification of employees through the MassTax Connect. Anyone who has not registered their business with MassTax Connect may go here -
You may obtain copies of the written notice (one is for 25 or more employees and the other is for less than 25 employees) for your employees and other in formation at this link,-notify-your-covered-individuals-in-writing-of-pfml-law-and-benefits- The law also requires that all employers provide written notification to new hires within 30 days of the date of hire.
This law applies to almost all Massachusetts employers. Massachusetts employers must review their leave policies and practices with an employment attorney prior to the implementation of this law to understand how this law will impact employer decisions and handling of employee leave.